Hello sissy!
Ready for a new quiz?
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We know how much you love to play this little games.
How it can change your perception.
How it can change you.
We don't want you to stop in such a good way.
We are here to make you a better sissy, to make you more and more addicted.
This quiz is the same as the quiz n°3.
Consider it as the black edition.
In the following pictures, you're going to identify the male pornstar by his cock.
There are only two answers.

Rob Piper

Michael William
Look a them closely and focus on every details.
Go back to the previous pictures.
Take your time...
Let's start!

So tell me sissy did you pass the test?
If not, Repeat the test until you get 100%
See you soon sissy!
relax and watch this video:
Cock Therapy - Questioning Yourself - powered by Hypnotube